Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Greatest Fear

The one word to describe how i feel lately is BOREDOM.. I tend to feel that my life is now begin to feel dull and lifeless.. I know, I know that I am barely 20 and have a life ahead of me but now.. it's just utterly dull..

I used to live a life that was exciting.. with tons of friends and wild nights almost every day.. Now, all my friends are leaving one by one, mostly to pursue higher education abroad and even the one's that are still here tend to drift apart.. Is it because I no longer have the yearning to socialize and interact with people anymore? I remember my friends used to label me as the
"bimbotic yet over friendly not forgetting loud girl".. I seem to have lost that touch of being the girl that i used to be.. Gosh I have only heard of like the mid 30's crisis, never knew there was the "end of the teen life crisis"..

Thinking back, I used to be well how should I put it... erm, sensitive? when it came to issues about how I was loud and "over-friendly" and always wanted to grow up and change. But now, I wish I was still as loud than before. I used to love wild nights, getting drunk, and puffing away like a chimney.. But now, I find myself enjoying chill out nights at bar or just a small "drinking session" with close friends talking bout future plans and you know..grown up stuffs like politics!

The point is, my greatest fear is that when all my friends are not around anymore, I'll not make any new friends and be some anti-social freak eating my lunch in the toilet cubicle..eeewww!

For now, I'm just treasuring every single moment that I'm having with my friends and here are some backdated pictures on Wai hong's belated b'day party at his place last friday..

Sarah's homemade pizza's which were superb (the not-burnt wan la) =p

Sushis provided by the very generous b'day boy!

Shawn's signature Aglio Olio

And lastly, the french fries that I brought but cooked by Shawn..=D

An intense game of "Jengga"..Pic from clem

This picture I heart!!!

My turn..damn scary ok!

The game came with a rule where losers had to do stupid stuffs that included suggestions like buying chicken rice topless for the girls and urm..pulling hair from the guys balls.. a kg everytime they how much hair to weigh a kilo wei!

I lost. Rape scene #1

Rape Scene #2 wtf..

No, I wasn't rape la! They were forcing me to swallow an entire chunk of wasabi which of course I threw up in the end.. The pics really look like rape scenes right!

Sarah n I

Shawn n I

And.. Some interesting findings from the house..

#1 "Zhi Lap Sap Tong".. translation.. paper dustbin?? hahaha forgive me for being a banana

I swear I have never seen one before!

I was told that every chinese homes sure have those things wan.. Done by aunties when they watch drama.. Used during meals to throw bones/rubbish.. Cute!

#2 The Cleanest Fridge Award goes to....jeng jeng jeng....

Mrs. Lim's!!! Super clean wei..

The B'day Boy!

A B'day Ritual

After that we went to Clem's place to watch urm..

Live gay porn?? =D

And also I forgot to mention one of the things I prefer to do now than partying is staying at home to watch tvb dramas wtf wtf.. =___________=

MOONLIGHT RESONANCE I HEART!!! *folding "zhi lap sap tong" while watching wtf**

For you drama freaks check out here


I <3 style="color: rgb(204, 51, 204);">p/s: no other girls shall be recruited into the U8 gang to replace the extincting girl members..


jessieloi said...

*wishes she is in Subang now. (light bulb** should write this in Plurk wtf Plurk addict)

hahha like agreement like that - no other girls shall replace 4 of us.

Anonymous said...

yesh agreed!

~may~ said...

no one can replace 4 of us!!!

n next year seriously our gang no more girls in subang d...

damn sad la...the girls separated until so the far!!!!