Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mum, I Miss You.

After two and a half years of college, countless warning letters for absentee and a couple of times being barred from final examinations, I wanted to turn on a new leaf this semester. My goal was to go for all classes or at least try to stay awake for half the class. So, the greatest achievement so far was being awake for the entire 2 hours class of Malaysian Studies!!! And I shall emphasize on that again. MALAYSIAN STUDIES.Not only that, I was also the first to complete an in class hope to be able to 'chao' earlier la but in the end cannot also..sweat sweat.. And in that class, I learnt something that amused me so much.. It was about the burial rites of the Mesolithic age people. Meant to show you guys the picture and the details about it but have been waiting for 3 days for my lecturer to post the notes up and yet she still hasn't. Will post that up soon.

And on that same day, late for my morning class already, I decided to visit my Mum's grave. Ok I hate saying the 'G' word so can anybody suggest an alternative instead.. I used to say that I'm going to visit my Mum but it would sound like a suicidal note wtf. Coz' the other day I was plurking. Ok side track a while wtf check Plurk out here. Ya, I was 'plurking' saying "I'm going to visit my mum. Getting Ready." And so Clem pointed out that it sounded like a suicidal note..which I think it does too wtf.

Went there to put some flowers that my sis had bought earlier.. And to hold myself back from crying, I took pictures lol..

Mum, I Miss You.

Well, wish me luck in going for my class at 8 tomorrow..


Anonymous said...

if you need a shoulder to cry on you have mine too. and the gang's~

make sure hingus don't go and drench my shirt onli wtf

Suet Li said...

=(( you're the strongest girl i know =)

eh the lashes good meh??
and the soya nice anot! ive always wanted to try

~may~ said...

yessss u have us to talk to =D
nothing that u can't tell us dear =D

n what clem say, no no hingus stuff haha..=P

eStee Louder said...

everyone: thanks guys, but i'm fine.. i find comfort in knowing that she's in a better place..=)
haha but if i wud to cry sure gt hingus wan la lol..

suet: for me it is la coz its very soft, not the plasticky kind.. so easier to stick on.. and the soya ar..hahaha u try la

Anonymous said...

wat about my shoulder Esther??
i dun mind ur hingus drenchin all over my baju...whahahaha